At blizzard's peak, streamers of small snow crystals roar across wind-exposed roadway at high speeds
Depositional ripples mimic an aerial view of a huge glacier
Icicles dangle between log and lake
An unfortunate scene repeated by the hundreds across Norman
Cedar limbs cradling snow
Name the shape. An ice sock! Or maybe, a horseleg icicle.
Snow blasted off our roof by gusts exceeding 50 mph
Mini-dunes of snow on otherwise bare-ice road, the next morning
Duck prints on a waterside snow drift, Lake Thunderbird
Icicles drip on reddish lake water
Drift over the step and against a side door
Snowmelt makes a major, muddy mess on a rural, red-dirt road
Our front porch shortly before dawn, Christmas day
Interesting light through a layered cross-section of a drift
Barely-exposed log gathers snow, in a sheltered cove of a pond, during the blizzard
Wintry scene the morning after