Curriculum Vitae - Roger Edwards

Storm Prediction Center
120 Boren Blvd. #2300
Norman OK 73069

Place of Birth

Dallas TX.


Married, two children. Lifetime drug-free, lifetime alcohol-free, lifetime non-smoker.

Employment History

1996-2024: Meteorologist, Storm Prediction Center, Norman OK. Retiring Dec. 2024 as lead forecaster.

1993-1996: Meteorologist, National Severe Storms Forecast Center (Severe Local Storms unit), Kansas City MO.

1990-1993: Meteorologist, National Hurricane Center, Miami FL.

1989-1990: Graduate assistant, University of Oklahoma School of Meteorology, Norman OK.

1985-90: Meteorological aide, National Severe Storms Laboratory, Norman OK.

1986 (summer): Baggage and freight agent, Trailways Inc., Dallas TX.


B.S., Meteorology, University of Oklahoma, 1989.

Graduate studies, Meteorology, University of Oklahoma, 1989-90.

Major NWS courses: Integrated Decision Support Services (2019), GOES-16 (2017), Enhanced F-Scale (2007), Warning Decision Making (2001), COMET in-house (2001), SELS Workshop (1993), WSR-88D (1993), Forecaster Development (1990), numerous minor teletraining and routine training exercises.

Honors and Awards

NCEP/SPC Cash Performance Awards (annually, 1998-2023)

McGraw-Hill and online awards for scientific service to children via the SPC Cool Image website (1998-99).

DOC Unit Service Medals: Gold (May 2003 tornadoes), Storm Prediction Center, 2004; Gold (Service during Hurricane Andrew), National Hurricane Center, 1992; Silver (27 March 2011 tornado outbreak), Storm Prediction Center, 2012; Silver (Birmingham tornado), Storm Prediction Center, 2001; Bronze (Kansas City to Norman transition), Storm Prediction Center, 1997.

Outstanding performance awards, National Hurricane Center, 1990, 1991, 1992.

University of Oklahoma Scholarship, 1986.

Dallas Morning News Outstanding Dallas-area HS Senior, 1985.

National Merit, 1984.

Professional Certifications

NWS internal IDSS (Integrated Decision Support Services, units 1 through 3), 2019

OU Institutional Review Board (IRB) certification via Citi Collab Institutional Training Initiative (8 hours, 2010)

NOAA Enhanced F-Scale damage assessor, January 2007

NEXRAD/WSR-88D radar operator, February 1993


Electronic Journals of Meteorology (Co-Founder)

American Meteorological Society

Texas Severe Storms Association

National Weather Service Employees' Organization

Collaborative Service

Chief Editor and Technical Editor, Electronic Journal of Severe Storms Meteorology, 2006-present

SPC Website Committee (1995-2024)

Int'l Assoc. of Venue Managers IAVM-AVSS Severe Weather Planning and Preparedness Course (2011-2014)

EF-Scale Stakeholders Forum and formal BAMS paper: (2009-2013)

NWS/COMET Storm Spotters Guide revision and development (2009-2013)

WMO Records Certification Committee: New Surface Gust Record for TC Olivia (2009-2010)

NWSEO Local Office Team as union Steward or Vice Steward (2002-2008)

NWS Extreme Wind Warning development (2005-2007)

AMS Severe Local Storms Conference Committee (Co-Chair, 2004-2006)

EJSSM Journal Development (2005-2006)

AMS Severe Local Storms Conference Committee (2001-2002, 2007-2008)

AMS Severe Local Storms Committee (STAC, 2002-2005)

Reviewer (variable): Weather and Forecasting, Electronic J. of Severe Storms Meteorology, Monthly Weather Review, J. of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, International J. of Climate, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, Atmospheric Research, Journal of Geophysical Research, Natural Hazards, Natural Hazards Review, Science, Physical Geography, Artificial Intelligence for the Earth Systems.

Formal lead author* or co-author: Weather and Forecasting*, Electronic J. of Severe Storms Meteorology*, Monthly Weather Review*, Bulletin of the AMS*, J. of Applied Meteorology and Climatology*, Tropical Cyclone Research Review, J. Hydrometeorology, J. Climate, NWA Electronic J. of Operational Meteorology, Pure and Applied Geophysics, Geophysical Research Letters.

Professional Leadership Experience

Editor-in-Chief of formal scientific journal (EJSSM), 2006-present. Oversees and supervises operations of journal, including every stage of processing of manuscripts (submission, review, editorship, publication). Builds consensus among reviewers, editors and authors for scientific publication. Makes final decision on published manuscripts.

Lead Forecaster, Storm Prediction Center, 2013-2024. Leadership of forecast crew with oversight of entire shift operation; issuance of tornado watches, national convective outlooks and mesoscale discussions as needed; quality control responsibility for all forecasts issued on shift; overseeing coordination with other offices; troubleshooting and securing aid for equipment problems that arise.

Local Steward, National Weather Service Employees' Organization (NWSEO), SPC branch, 5 various years during 2002-2008. Represented employees in all local collective bargaining with management. Brokered consensus on numerous management-employee bargaining matters.

Chairman, AMS Severe Local Storms Conference Committee (2004-2006). Led successful collaboration with American Meteorological Society representatives and a group of scientists from both research and forecasting backgrounds, to organize every aspect of the successful conference.

Unit focal-point leader: Tropical tornadoes (SPC, 1998-present), McIDAS (NSSFC/SELS, 1993-1996), McIDAS, WSR-88D radar and tropical tornadoes (TAFB/National Hurricane Center, 1990-1993). Focal point (liaison) for issues involving those aspects of forecasting operations.

Field team leader, National Severe Storms Laboratory IOT&E-2 storm intercept project, 1989.

Leader for numerous successful scientific and literature collaborations (see lead-authorship on papers listed below).

Published in These Formal Journals, alphabetic order, star for lead author of at least one paper.

  1. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc.*
  2. Electronic J. Oper. Meteor.
  3. Electronic J. Severe Storms Meteor.*
  4. Geophys. Res. Lett.
  5. J. Appl. Meteor. Clim.*
  6. J. Climate
  7. J. Hydrometeor.
  8. Mon. Wea. Rev*
  9. Pure Appl. Geophys.
  10. Trop. Cyclone Res. Rev.
  11. Wea. Forecasting*

Scientific Papers (formal publications have bold journal-issue numbers)

Edwards, R., M.D. Flournoy, and M. Taszarek, 2024: Tracking supercells in tropical cyclones. Proc., 31st Conf. Severe Local Storms, Virginia Beach, VA, P44.

Houser, J.B., R. Edwards, and H.B. Bluestein, 2024: What is a tornado? A comparison between rapid-scan radar observations of possible tornado vortices and SPC ONETOR reports. Proc., 31st Conf. Severe Local Storms, Virginia Beach, VA, P54.

Stapleton, K.O., B.A. Schenkel, T. Sandmael, R. Edwards, and A.A. Alford, 2024: A comparison of the radar and lightning characteristics between tropical cyclone tornadoes and waterspouts and their associated warnings. Proc., 31st Conf. Severe Local Storms, Virginia Beach, VA, P95.

Wheeler, K.M., B.A. Schenkel, N. Yussouf, M.C. Brown, and R. Edwards, 2024: Does extratropical transition impact tropical cyclone tornado environments? Proc., 31st Conf. Severe Local Storms, Virginia Beach, VA, 10.6.

Flournoy, M.D., and Coauthors, 2024: Building a comprehensive database of observed supercells and tornadoes. Proc., 31st Conf. Severe Local Storms, Virginia Beach, VA, P45.

Houser, J.B., and R. Edwards, 2024: What is tornadogenesis?: A comparison of radar observations, visual cues, and storm reports. Proc., Symp. on Estimating Wind Speeds of Tornadoes and Other Windstorms, Baltimore, MD, Amer. Meteor. Soc., P995.

Edwards, R., and R.L. Thompson, 2024: Right-moving supercell tornadogenesis during interaction with a left-moving supercell's rear-flank outflow. Wea. Forecasting, 39, 141-152.

Trier, S.B., D.A. Ahijevych, D.R. Carroll-Smith, G.H. Bryan, and R. Edwards, 2023: Composite mesoscale environmental conditions influencing tornado frequencies in landfalling tropical cyclones. Wea. Forecasting, 38, 2481-2508.

Carroll-Smith, D.R., B.W. Green, R. Edwards, L. Bai, A.J. Litta, X. Huang, L. Pattie, S. Overpeck, and E.W. McCaul Jr., 2023: Forecasting tropical cyclone tornadoes and impacts: Report from IWTC-X. Trop. Cyclone Res. Rev., 12, 123-135.

Carroll-Smith, D.R., B.W. Green, L. Bai, R. Edwards, X. Huang, A.J. Litta, E.W. McCaul Jr., S. Overpeck, and L. Pattie, 2022: Forecasting tropical cyclone tornadoes and impacts. Proc., 10th Intl. Workshop on Tropical Cyclones, Bali, Indonesia, World Meteor. Org., topic 5.4.

Edwards, R., M.S. Elliott, P.T. Marsh, and D.A. Speheger, 2022: Errors, oddities and artifacts in U.S. tornado data, 1995-2021. Proc., 30th Conf. Severe Local Storms, Santa Fe, NM, Amer. Meteor. Soc., 8.3B.

Spotts, J.R., C.J. Nowotarski, R. Edwards, and S. Overpeck, 2022: Automatically derived radar attributes of tropical cyclone tornadoes: A climatology from 2013-2020. Proc., 30th Conf. Severe Local Storms, Santa Fe, NM, Amer. Meteor. Soc., 8.2B.

Mosier, R.M., and R. Edwards, 2022: Visualization tools for the Storm Prediction Center's tropical cyclone tornado database. Proc., 30th Conf. Severe Local Storms, Santa Fe, NM, Amer. Meteor. Soc., P172.

Edwards, R., and R.M. Mosier, 2022: Over a quarter century of TCTOR: Tropical cyclone tornadoes in the WSR-88D era. Proc., 30th Conf. Severe Local Storms, Santa Fe, NM, Amer. Meteor. Soc., P171.

Spotts, J., C.J. Nowotarski, S. Overpeck, and R. Edwards, 2022: Automatically derived radar attributes of tropical cyclone supercells. Proc., 31st Conf. Weather Analysis and Forecasting/27th Conf. Numerical Weather Prediction (virtual), 668.

Paredes, M., B.A. Schenkel, R. Edwards, and M.C. Coniglio, 2021: Tropical cyclone outer size impacts the number and location of tornadoes. Geophys. Res. Lett., 48, e2021GL095922.

Edwards, R., H.E. Brooks, and H. Cohn, 2021: Changes in tornado climatology accompanying the enhanced Fujita scale. J. Appl. Meteor. Clim., 60, 1465-1481.

Wakefield, R.A., J.B. Basara, J.M. Shepherd, N. Brauer, J.C. Furtado, J. A. Santanello Jr., and R. Edwards, 2021: The inland maintenance and reintensification of Tropical Storm Bill (2015). Part I: Contributions of the brown ocean effect. J. Hydrometeor., 22, 2675-2693.

Nowotarski, C.J., J. Spotts, R. Edwards, S. Overpeck, and G.R. Woodall, 2021: Tornadoes in Hurricane Harvey. Wea. Forecasting, 36, 1589-1609.

Schenkel, B.A., M.C. Coniglio, and R. Edwards, 2021: How does the relationship between ambient deep-tropospheric vertical wind shear and tropical cyclone tornadoes change between coastal and inland environments? Wea. Forecasting, 36, 539-566.

Wakefield, R., J.B. Basara, J.M. Shepherd, N. Brauer, J. Furtado, J. Santanello, and R. Edwards, 2021: The inland maintenance and reintensification of Tropical Storm Bill (2015): Contributions of the brown ocean effect. Proc., 35th Conf. on Hydrology, Virtual, Amer. Meteor. Soc., 1A.6.

Taszarek, M., J.T. Allen, P. Groenemeijer; R. Edwards; H.E. Brooks; V. Chmielewski; and S.-E. Enno, 2020: Severe convective storms across Europe and the United States. Part 1: Climatology of lightning, large hail, severe wind and tornadoes. J. Climate, 33, 10239-10261.

Schenkel, B.A., R. Edwards, and M.C. Coniglio, 2020: A climatological analysis of ambient deep-tropospheric vertical wind shear impacts upon tornadoes in tropical cyclones. Wea. Forecasting, 35, 2033-2059.

Boustead, B.M., H. Wells, R. Edwards, and J.M. Boustead, 2020: Hand analysis in a digital age. Proc., 30th Conf. Weather Analysis and Forecasting, Boston, MA, 8A.1.

Schenkel, B.A., R. Edwards, and M.C. Coniglio, 2020: Does ambient deep-tropospheric vertical wind shear influence tornadic supercells in tropical cyclones? Proc., 30th Conf. Weather Analysis and Forecasting, Boston, MA, 3B.2.

Spotts, J.R., C.J. Nowotarski, S. Overpeck, B. Filipiak, and R. Edwards, 2020: Analysis of tornadic and nontornadic convective cell environments during Hurricane Harvey. Proc., Tropical Meteor. and Tropical Cyclones Symp., Boston, MA, P857.

Schenkel, B.A., R. Edwards, and N. Yussouf, 2018: Does ambient deep-tropospheric vertical wind shear influence tornado occurrence during landfalling tropical cyclones? Proc., AGU Fall Meeting, Washington, DC, A51F-02.

Edwards, R., and A.R. Dean, 2018: Environments of supercellular satellite tornadoes. Proc., 29th Conf. Severe Local Storms, Stowe, VT, P51.

Edwards, R., C.J. Nowotarski, S. Overpeck, and G.R. Woodall, 2018: Tornadoes in Hurricane Harvey: Documentation and environmental analysis. Proc., 29th Conf. Severe Local Storms, Stowe, VT, P52.

Nowotarski, C.J., R. Cheatham, S. Overpeck, and R. Edwards, 2018: Comparison of tornadic and nontornadic convective cells in Hurricane Harvey. 29th Conf. Severe Local Storms, Stowe, VT, 175.

Edwards, R., J.T. Allen, and G.W. Carbin, 2018: Reliability and climatological impacts of convective wind estimations. J. Appl. Meteor. Clim., 57, 1825-1845.

Cohen, A.E., R.L. Thompson, S.M. Cavallo, R. Edwards, S.J. Weiss, J.A. Hart, I.L. Jirak, W.F. Bunting, J.W. Rogers, S.F. Piltz, A.E. Gerard, A.D. Moore, D.J. Cornish, A.C. Boothe, and J.B. Cohen, 2018: Bridging operational meteorology and academia through experiential education: The Storm Prediction Center in the University of Oklahoma classroom. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 99, 269-279.

Edwards, R., and G.W. Carbin, 2016: Estimated convective winds: Reliability and effects on severe-storm climatology. Proc., 28th Conf. Severe Local Storms, Portland, OR, 14B.6.

Edwards, R., and J.C. Picca, 2016: Tornadic debris signatures in tropical cyclones. Proc., 28th Conf. Severe Local Storms, Portland, OR, P162.

Lewis, J.M., S. Lakshmivarahan, J. Hu, R. Edwards, R.A. Maddox, R.L. Thompson, and S.F. Corfidi, 2016: Ensemble forecasting of return flow over the Gulf of Mexico. Electronic J. Severe Storms Meteor., 11 (4), 1-26.

Edwards, R., B.T. Smith, R.L. Thompson and A.R. Dean, 2015: Analyses of Radar Rotational Velocities and Environmental Parameters for Tornadic Supercells in Tropical Cyclones. Proc., 37th AMS Conf. Radar Meteorology, Norman, OK, 5A.3.

Edwards, R., G.W. Carbin, and S.F. Corfidi, 2015: Overview of the Storm Prediction Center. Proc., 13th AMS History Symp., Phoenix, AZ, 1.1.

Edwards, R., and R.L. Thompson, 2014: Reversible CAPE in tropical cyclone tornado regimes. Proc., 27th Conf. Severe Local Storms, Madison, WI, P88.

Edwards, R., 2014: Characteristics of supercellular satellite tornadoes. Proc., 27th Conf. Severe Local Storms, Madison, WI, 17.5.

Monteverdi, J.P., R. Edwards, and G.J. Stumpf, 2014: An analysis of the 7 July 2004 Rockwell Pass, California, tornado: Highest-elevation tornado documented in the United States. Mon. Wea. Rev., 142, 3925-3943.

Bunkers, M.J., D.A. Barber, R.L. Thompson, R. Edwards, and J.M. Garner, 2014: Choosing a universal mean wind for supercell motion prediction. NWA Electronic J. Oper. Meteor., 2 (11), 115-129.

Edwards, R., 2013: Tropical cyclone tornadoes: History and state of understanding. Proc., 19th Jornades de Meteorologia Eduard Fontsere, Barcelona, Spain, Catalan Assoc. Meteor., 137-148.

Edwards, R., 2013: Overview of the Storm Prediction Center. Proc., 19th Jornades de Meteorologia Eduard Fontsere, Barcelona, Spain, Catalan Assoc. Meteor., 177-192.

Edwards, R., J.G. LaDue, J.T. Ferree, K.L. Scharfenberg, C. Maier, and W. L. Coulbourne, 2013: Tornado intensity estimation: Past, present and future. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 94, 641-653.

International Association of Venue Managers (IAVM), 2013: AVSS severe weather planning guide, B.C. Mayer, F. Poe, H. Hansen, L.R. Lemon, A. Bailey, R. Edwards, R.L. Holle, C. Woodrum, and S. Adelman, Eds., 103 pp.

Edwards, R., A.R. Dean, R.L. Thompson and B.T. Smith, 2012: Convective modes for significant severe thunderstorms in the contiguous United States. Part III: Tropical cyclone tornadoes. Wea. Forecasting, 27, 1507-1519.

Edwards, R., A.R. Dean, R.L. Thompson and B.T. Smith, 2012: Nonsupercell tropical cyclone tornadoes: Documentation, classification and uncertainties. Proc., 26th Conf. Severe Local Storms, Nashville TN, 9.6.

Edwards, R., 2012: Tropical cyclone tornadoes: A review of knowledge in research and prediction. Electronic J. Severe Storms Meteor. , 7 (6), 1-61.

Naylor, J., M.S. Gilmore, R.L. Thompson, R. Edwards, and R.B. Wilhelmson, 2012: Comparison of objective supercell identification techniques using an idealized cloud model. Mon. Wea. Rev., 140, 2090-2102.

Edwards, R., 2010: Tropical cyclone tornado records for the modernized National Weather Service era. Proc., 25th Conf. Severe Local Storms, Denver, CO, Amer. Meteor. Soc., P3.1.

Edwards, R., J.G. LaDue, J.T. Ferree, K.A. Scharfenberg, C. Maier, and W.L. Coulbourne, 2010: The Enhanced Fujita Scale: Past, present and future. Proc., 25th Conf. Severe Local Storms, Denver, CO, Amer. Meteor. Soc., 4A.1.

Edwards, R., and H.E. Brooks, 2010: Possible impacts of the Enhanced Fujita Scale on United States tornado data. Proc., 25th Conf. Severe Local Storms, Denver, CO, Amer. Meteor. Soc., P8.28.

Edwards, R., A. R. Dean, R.L. Thompson, and B.T. Smith, 2010: Objective environmental analyses and convective modes for U. S. tropical cyclone tornadoes from 2003-2008. Proc., 25th Conf. Severe Local Storms, Denver, CO, Amer. Meteor. Soc., P3.2.

Burkett, L., M.S. Gilmore, R.L. Thompson, R. Edwards, J.M. Straka, and R.B. Wilhelmson, 2010: Characteristics of supercells simulated with tornadic and non-tornadic RUC-2 proximity soundings. Part I: Sensitivity to convective initiation mechanisms. Proc., 25th Conf. Severe Local Storms, Denver, CO, Amer. Meteor. Soc., P8.23.

Gilmore, M.S., L. Burkett, R. Edwards, and R.L. Thompson, 2010: Characteristics of supercells simulated with tornadic and non-tornadic RUC-2 proximity soundings. Part II: Sounding variables as predictors of simulated low-level rotation. Proc., 25th Conf. Severe Local Storms, Denver, CO, Amer. Meteor. Soc., 7A.1.

Naylor, J., M.S. Gilmore, R. Edwards, and R.L. Thompson, 2010: Characteristics of supercells simulated with tornadic and non-tornadic RUC-2 proximity soundings. Part III: Comparisons at tornado-resolving gridspacing. Proc., 25th Conf. Severe Local Storms, Denver, CO, Amer. Meteor. Soc., P10.19.

Monteverdi, J.P., and R. Edwards, 2010: The redevelopment of a warm-core structure in Erin: A case of inland tropical storm formation. Electronic J. Severe Storms Meteor., 5 (6), 1-18.

Edwards, R., and R.L. Thompson, 2009: Comments on "The North Dakota tornadic supercells of 18 July 2004: Issues concerning high LCL heights and evapotranspiration". Wea. Forecasting, 24, 1149-1158.

Houston, A.L., R.L. Thompson and R. Edwards, 2008: The optimal bulk wind differential depth and the utility of the upper-tropospheric storm-relative flow for forecasting supercells. Wea. Forecasting, 23, 825-837.

Edwards, R., 2008: Tropical cyclone tornadoes -- a research and forecasting overview. Part 1: Climatologies, distribution and forecast concepts. Preprints, 24th Conf. Severe Local Storms, Savannah GA, Amer. Meteor. Soc. 7A.1.

Monteverdi, J.P., and R. Edwards, 2008: Documentation of the overland reintensification of Tropical Storm Erin over Oklahoma. Preprints, 24th Conf. Severe Local Storms, Savannah GA, Amer. Meteor. Soc., P4.6.

Cerveny, R.S., J. Lawrimore, R. Edwards, and C. Landsea, 2007: Extreme weather records: Compilation, adjudication, and publication. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 88, 853-860.

Thompson, R.L., C.M. Mead and R. Edwards, 2007: Effective storm-relative helicity and bulk shear in supercell thunderstorm environments. Wea. Forecasting, 22, 102-115.

Edwards, R., and S.J. Hodanish, 2006: Photographs and analysis of an intense, anticyclonic supercell on the Colorado plains. Mon. Wea. Rev, 134, 3753-3763.

Doswell, C.A. III, R. Edwards, R.L. Thompson, J.A. Hart, and K.C. Crosbie, 2006: A simple and flexible method for ranking severe weather events. Wea. Forecasting, 21, 939-951.

Edwards, R., 2006: Supercells of the Serranias del Burro (Mexico). Preprints, 23nd Conf. Severe Local Storms, St. Louis MO, Amer. Meteor. Soc. (CD ROM).

Edwards, R., and A.E. Pietrycha, 2006: Archetypes for surface baroclinic boundaries influencing tropical cyclone tornado occurrence. Preprints, 23nd Conf. Severe Local Storms, St. Louis MO, Amer. Meteor. Soc. (CD ROM).

Monteverdi, J.P., R. Edwards, G.J. Stumpf, and D. Gudgel, 2006: An analysis of the 7 July 2004 Rockwell Pass, CA tornado: Highest elevation tornado documented in the U.S. Preprints, 23rd Conf. Severe Local Storms, St. Louis MO, Amer. Meteor. Soc. (CD ROM).

McCarthy, D.W., J.T. Schaefer and R. Edwards, 2006: What are we doing with (or to) the F-Scale? Preprints, 23rd Conf. Severe Local Storms, St. Louis MO, Amer. Meteor. Soc. (CD ROM).

Edwards, R., and D. M. Schultz, 2006: Editorial: Introducing EJSSM. Electronic J. Severe Storms Meteor., 1 (1), 1 2.

Rao, G.V., J.W. Scheck, R. Edwards, and J.T. Schaefer, 2005: Structures of mesocyclones producing tornadoes associated with tropical cyclone Frances (1998). Pure Appl. Geophys., 162, 1627-1641.

Edwards, R., R.L. Thompson and C.M. Mead, 2004: Assessment of anticyclonic supercell environments using close proximity soundings from the RUC model. Preprints, 22nd Conf. Severe Local Storms, Hyannis MA, Amer. Meteor. Soc. (CD ROM).

Thompson, R.L., C.M. Mead, and R. Edwards, 2004: Effective bulk shear in supercell thunderstorm environments. Preprints, 22nd Conf. Severe Local Storms, Hyannis MA, Amer. Meteor. Soc. (CD ROM).

Thompson, R.L., R. Edwards, and C.M. Mead, 2004: Effective storm-relative helicity in supercell thunderstorm environments. Preprints, 22nd Conf. Severe Local Storms, Hyannis MA, Amer. Meteor. Soc. (CD ROM).

Edwards, R., and S.J. Hodanish, 2004: Environmental analysis and photographic documentation of an intense, left-moving supercell on the Colorado plains. Preprints, 22nd Conf. Severe Local Storms, Hyannis MA, Amer. Meteor. Soc. (CD ROM).

Edwards, R., R.L. Thompson, K.C. Crosbie, J.A. Hart, and C.A. Doswell III, 2004: Proposals for modernizing the definitions of tornado and severe thunderstorm outbreaks. Preprints, 22nd Conf. Severe Local Storms, Hyannis MA, Amer. Meteor. Soc. (CD ROM).

Thompson, R.L., R. Edwards, and C.M. Mead, 2004: An update to the supercell composite and significant tornado parameters. Preprints, 22nd Conf. Severe Local Storms, Hyannis MA, Amer. Meteor. Soc. (CD ROM).

Rao, G.V., K. Santhanam, J.W. Scheck, S.M. Spratt, B.C. Hagemeyer, R. Edwards, J.T. Schaefer, J.L. Case and E. Kemp, 2004: MM5 Simulations of Precipitation and Mesocyclone Dynamics Associated with TC Gabrielle (2001) Using High Resolution Data of East Central Florida. Preprints, 26th. Conf. on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology, Miami.

Thompson, R.L., R. Edwards, J.A. Hart, K.L. Elmore and P.M. Markowski, 2003: Close proximity soundings within supercell environments obtained from the Rapid Update Cycle. Wea. Forecasting, 18, 1243-1261.

Markowski, P.M., C. Hannon, J. Frame, E. Lancaster, A. Pietrycha, R. Edwards and R.L. Thompson, 2003: Characteristics of vertical wind profiles near supercells obtained from the Rapid Update Cycle. Wea. Forecasting, 18, 1262-1272.

Rao, G.V., K. Santhanam, D. Gallagher, J.W. Scheck, R. Edwards, J.T. Schaefer, S.M. Spratt and B.C. Hagemeyer, 2003: Radar Characteristics of Mesocyclones Associated with Tropical Cyclones and Simulation of the Mesocyclonic Characteristics Using MM5. Preprints, 10th. Conf. on Mesoscale Processes, Portland, P2.10.

Edwards, R., 2003: Rating tornado damage: An exercise in subjectivity. Preprints, Symposium on F-scale and Severe Weather Damage Assessment, Long Beach CA, Amer. Meteor. Soc. (CD ROM).

Rao, G.V., J.W. Scheck, and R. Edwards, 2002: Radar derived structures of tornadic mesocyclones from Tropical Cyclone (TC) Frances (1998) in Texas and Louisiana. Preprints, 25th Conf. Hurricanes and Tropical Meteor., San Diego, Amer. Meteor. Soc., 617-618.

Edwards, R., and L.R. Lemon, 2002: Proactive or reactive? The severe storm threat to large event venues. Preprints, 21st Conf. Severe Local Storms, San Antonio, Amer. Meteor. Soc., 232-235.

Markowski, P.M., C. Hannon, J. Frame, E. Lancaster, A. Pietrycha, R. Edwards and R.L. Thompson, 2002: Characteristics of RUC vertical wind profiles near supercells. Preprints, 21st Conf. Severe Local Storms, San Antonio, Amer. Meteor. Soc., 599-602.

Thompson, R.L., R. Edwards and J.A. Hart, 2002: Evaluation and interpretation of the supercell composite and significant tornado parameters at the Storm Prediction Center. Preprints, 21st Conf. Severe Local Storms, San Antonio, Amer. Meteor. Soc., J11-J14.

Edwards, R., R.L. Thompson, and J.A. Hart, 2002: Verification of supercell motion forecast techniques. Preprints, 21st Conf. Severe Local Storms, San Antonio, Amer. Meteor. Soc., J57-J60.

Thompson, R.L., R. Edwards, J.A. Hart and K.L. Elmore, 2002: RUC-2 model analysis soundings as a surrogate for observed soundings in supercell environments. Preprints, 21st Conf. Severe Local Storms, San Antonio, Amer. Meteor. Soc., 591-594.

Scheck, J.W., R. Edwards, and G.V. Rao, 2002: Radar examination and analysis of a bow echo in South Carolina within the remains of Tropical Cyclone Danny, 1997. Preprints, 21st Conf. Severe Local Storms, San Antonio, Amer. Meteor. Soc., 571-574.

Thompson, R.L., R. Edwards and J.A. Hart, 2002: An assessment of supercell and tornado forecast parameters with RUC-2 model close proximity soundings. Preprints, 21st Conf. Severe Local Storms, San Antonio, Amer. Meteor. Soc., 595-598.

Edwards, R., S.F. Corfidi, R.L. Thompson, J. S. Evans, J. P. Craven, J. P. Racy, D. W. McCarthy, and M. D. Vescio, 2001: Storm Prediction Center forecasting issues related to the 3 May 1999 tornado outbreak. Wea. Forecasting, 17, 544-558.

Thompson, R.L., and R. Edwards, 2000: An overview of environmental conditions and forecast implications of the 3 May 1999 tornado outbreak. Wea. Forecasting, 15, 682-699.

Edwards, R., 2000: Book Review: Natural Disasters: Hurricanes, by Patrick J. Fitzpatrick. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 81, 1618-1619.

Edwards, R., R.L. Thompson, and J.G. LaDue, 2000: Initiation of storm A (3 May 1999) along a possible horizontal convective roll. Preprints, 20th Conf. on Severe Local Storms, Orlando, FL, Amer. Meteor. Soc., 60-63.

Edwards, R., G.V. Rao and J.W. Scheck, 2000: Examination of tornadic supercells in Tropical Cyclone Earl (1998) using conventional and WSR-88D data suites. Preprints, 20th Conf. on Severe Local Storms, Orlando, FL, Amer. Meteor. Soc., 97-100.

Rao, G.V., R. Edwards and J.W. Scheck, 2000: Case studies of tornadoes associated with tropical cyclones based on conventional and WSR-88D data. Preprints, 24th Conf. on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology, Ft. Lauderdale, FL., Amer. Meteor. Soc., 306-307.

Thompson, R.L., and R. Edwards, 2000: A comparison of Rapid Update Cycle 2 (RUC-2) model soundings with observed soundings in supercell environments. Preprints, 20th Conf. on Severe Local Storms, Orlando, FL, Amer. Meteor. Soc., 551-554.

Thompson, R.L., and R. Edwards, 2000: RUC-2 supercell proximity soundings, Part I: An examination of storm-relative winds normalized to supercell depth. Preprints, 20th Conf. on Severe Local Storms, Orlando, FL, Amer. Meteor. Soc., 431-434.

Edwards, R., and R.L. Thompson, 2000: RUC-2 supercell proximity soundings, Part II: An independent assessment of supercell forecast parameters. Preprints, 20th Conf. on Severe Local Storms, Orlando, FL, Amer. Meteor. Soc., 435-438.

Schaefer, J.T., and R. Edwards, 1999, The SPC tornado/severe thunderstorm database. Preprints, 11th Conf. on Applied Climatology, Dallas, TX, Amer. Meteor. Soc., 603-606.

Edwards, R., and R.L. Thompson, 1998: Nationwide comparisons of hail size with WSR-88D vertically integrated liquid water and derived thermodynamic sounding data. Wea. Forecasting, 13, 277-285.

Edwards, R., 1998: Storm Prediction Center forecast support for landfalling tropical cyclones. Preprints, 23rd Conf. on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology, Dallas, Amer. Meteor. Soc., 53-56.

Edwards, R., 1998: Tornado production by exiting tropical cyclones. Preprints, 23rd Conf. on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology, Dallas, TX, Amer. Meteor. Soc., 485-488.

Edwards, R., and S.J. Weiss, 1996: Comparisons between Gulf of Mexico sea surface temperature anomalies and southern U.S. severe thunderstorm frequency in the cool season. Preprints, 18th Conf. on Severe Local Storms, San Francisco, CA, Amer. Meteor. Soc., 317-320.

Martin, P.L., and R. Edwards, 1995: A severe weather, hurricane, and flood climatology for the Austin/San Antonio WFO County Warning Area. NOAA Tech. Memo. NWS SR 167, National Weather Service, Southern Region Headquarters, Ft. Worth, TX, 27 pp.

Edwards, R., and J.A. Hart, 1994: Using SHARP workstation to analyze soundings from the FSL/NCDC CD-ROM database. NSSFC Operational Notes - Mar. 1994, National Weather Service, National Severe Storms Forecast Center, Kansas City, MO, 2-4.

Edwards, R., 1992: Tornadic supercell over Dade and Broward Counties (Florida) on January 15, 1991. NOAA Tech. Memo. NWS SR 140, National Weather Service, Southern Region Headquarters, Ft. Worth, TX, 21 pp.

Invited Presentations

NOTE: These are talks, seminars or workshops presented only as an invited speaker. The list doesn't include numerous other professional presentations, sessions and seminars, either in-house or of material from papers submitted to scientific meetings.

March 2024: Arlington, TX, Texas Severe Storms Association: "A Career of Progress in Understanding and Forecasting Severe Storms."

January 2024: Virtual, Western Illinois University Severe Weather Club: "Forecasting Funnels."

March 2022: Arlington, TX, Texas Severe Storms Association: "Spotting and Chasing for Science: History, Hype and Truth."

November 2021, Norman OK, AMS Virtual Severe Storms Conference for Students and Early-Career Professionals: "Changes in Tornado Climatology Accompanying the Enhanced Fujita Scale."

August 2021, Norman OK, NWS Wilmington NC Integrated Warning Team Web Seminar: "Tropical Cyclone Tornadoes and SPC Forecasts."

March 2021, Norman OK, NWS Eastern and Southern Region Web Seminar: "Tropical Cyclone Tornadoes and SPC Forecasts."

May 2020, Norman OK, NWS Eastern and Southern Region Web Seminar: "Tropical Cyclone Tornadoes and SPC Forecasts."

March 2020: Arlington, TX, Texas Severe Storms Association: "Storms I Have Loved and Lost (Tribute to Al Moller)."

Sep. 2019, Norman OK, OU Student Chapter of AMS and NWA 2019 Meteorology Career Mini-Conference: "An Unconventional Path in Meteorology."

Aug. 2018, Norman OK, National Weather Association: "Tropical Cyclone Tornado Basics and SPC Forecasts."

Mar. 2018, Colleyville TX, Texas Severe Storms Association: "Tropical Cyclone Tornado Concepts: Harvey for Example."

Feb. 2018, Oklahoma City OK, National Tornado Summit -- National Severe Weather Workshop: "Hurricane Harvey's Tornadoes: Challenges for Forecasting and Communication." with J. Evans

Mar. 2016, 25th Annual DuPage Advanced Severe Weather Seminar, Wheaton IL: "Value of Storm Spotting in the High-Tech Age. "

Mar. 2016, Chicago AMS Chapter, IL: "History and Overview of SPC Forecasting and Research."

Jun. 2015, European Severe Storms Laboratory, Wiener Neustadt, Austria: "SPC Products and Services"

Feb. 2015 and 2016, University of Oklahoma, Norman OK (Applications of Meteorological Theory to Severe-Thunderstorm Forecasting class): "TC Tornado Basics and SPC Forecasts in TC Situations."

Oct. 2014, University of Oklahoma, Norman OK (Severe and Unusual Weather class): "Basics on Tropical Cyclone Tornadoes."

Feb. 2014, Norman OK, International Association of Venue Managers -- Academy for Venue Safety and Security course: "SPC Forecasts and Large Venues"

Nov. 2013, Barcelona, Spain, XIX Jornades de Meteorologia Eduard Fontser (19th Eduard Fontser Meteorological Conference): "Overview of the Storm Prediction Center" and "Tropical Cyclone Tornado Characteristics and Forecasting Concepts"

Mar. 2013, Oklahoma City OK, National Tornado Summit -- National Severe Weather Workshop: "The EF-Scale Forum and Panel Discussion: The How and Why of Rating Tornadoes" with J.G. LaDue, T.P. Marshall and D.W. Burgess.

Mar. 2013, Norman OK, International Association of Venue Managers -- Academy for Venue Safety and Security course: "SPC Forecasts and Large Event Venues"

Mar. 2012, Naperville IL, DuPage County Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Management -- 21st Annual Advanced Severe Weather Seminar: "Settings for Various Tornadic Storm Types"

Feb. 2012, Norman OK, International Association of Venue Managers -- Academy for Venue Safety and Security course: "SPC Forecasts and Their Utility for Large Event Venues"

Mar. 2011, Colleyville TX, Texas Severe Storms Association: "Forecasting Funnels"

May 2010, Norman OK, Environment Canada (via webinar): "Forecasting Funnels"

Mar. 2010, Oklahoma City OK, Oklahoma Camera Club: "The Beauty of Atmospheric Violence."

Feb. 2010, Lubbock Severe Weather Conference, Lubbock TX: "Tropical Cyclone Tornadoes" and "EJSSM - Electronic Journal of Severe Storms Meteorology."

Oct. 2009, Downers Grove IL, College of DuPage Severe Weather Symposium: "On Forecasting Funnels" and "Parameter Evaluation: What You Need to Know."

Oct. 2009, University of Oklahoma, Norman OK (Severe and Unusual Weather class): "May 3, 1999: The Meteorology of Atmospheric Violence."

Aug. 2008, Las Vegas NV, Bryan Busby's "Flock" Reunion: "A Matter of Time: Severe Storms and Large-Event Venues."

Mar. 2008, Orlando FL, National Hurricane Conference: "Tropical Cyclone Winds and Tornadoes." with C. Landsea

Mar. 2008, Beaufort NC, Southeastern Severe Storm Conference, NOAA/NOS Marine Research Laboratory: "Tropical Cyclone Tornado Prediction: Past, Present and Future."

Mar. 2008, Newport NC, NWS Forecast Office: "SPC Products and Web Services."

Feb. 2008, College Station TX, Texas A&M University, TAMSCAMS (student AMS chapter) and TASC (Texas Aggie Storm Chasers): "Safe and Sane Storm Observing" and "The Beauty of Atmospheric Violence."

Feb. 2008, College Station TX, Texas A&M University, Department of Atmospheric Science seminar: "Tropical Cyclone Tornado Prediction: Past, Present and Future."

Mar. 2007, Lincoln NE, Central Plains Severe Weather Symposium: "Storm Spotting in Low Visibility Environments" and "Severe Storms, Tornadoes and Large-Event Venues."

Mar. 2007, Wheaton IL, Northern Illinois Multi-County Skywarn Advanced Spotter Training: "Storm Spotting in Low Visibility Environments" and "Severe Storms, Tornadoes and Large-Event Venues."

Apr. 2006, Columbus OH, Central Ohio Severe Weather Network Spotter Training: "Storm Spotting in Low Visibility Environments."

Apr. 2006, Columbus OH, Ohio State Severe Weather Symposium: "Severe Storms, Tornadoes and Large-Event Venues."

Jan. 2006, Mammoth Lakes CA: "Tropical Cyclone (TC) Tornadoes: A Chronology of Understanding" and "Severe Storms, Tornadoes and Large-Event Venues."

Mar. 2005, Elkhart IN, Indiana-Michigan-Ohio Advanced SKYWARN Spotter Training: "Anticipating Storm Structure and Behavior."

Mar. 2005, North Webster, IN, National Weather Service: "About the SPC and its Products."

Mar. 2005, Jacksonville FL, OFCM Interdepartmental Hurricane Conference: "The Past, Present and Future of Tropical Cyclone Tornado Prediction."

Mar. 2005: Midwest City OK, National Severe Weather Workshop: "Rating Tornado Damage: An Exercise in Subjectivity."

Feb. 2005, Arlington TX, Texas Severe Storms Association: "Anticipating Storm Structure and Behavior" and "The Beauty of Atmospheric Violence."

Mar. 2004, Wakefield VA, Southeast Virginia Severe Weather Workshop: "SPC Operations Overview," "Low-topped Supercells and How to Predict Them," and "Tropical Cyclone Tornado Concepts."

Dec. 2003, Key West FL, NWS Forecast Office: "Probabilistic SPC Outlooks."

Nov. 2003, St. Louis MO, Greater St. Louis Chapter of AMS: "Proactive or Reactive? The Severe Storm Threat to Large Event Venues."

Oct. 2003, Tulsa OK, Northeast Oklahoma Chapter of AMS: "Proactive or Reactive? The Severe Storm Threat to Large Event Venues."

Mar. 2003: Norman OK, National Severe Weather Workshop: "Rating Tornado Damage: An Exercise in Subjectivity," and "Proactive or Reactive? The Severe Storm Threat to Large Event Venues."

Feb. 2003, Long Beach CA, AMS Annual Meeting and Fujita Scale Symposium: "Rating Tornado Damage: An Exercise in Subjectivity."

Feb. 2003, Independence MO, Kansas City Area Chapter of AMS: "Proactive or Reactive? The Severe Storm Threat to Large Event Venues."

Dec. 2002, Norman OK, Joint Meeting of the Central Oklahoma Chapters of the AMS and NWA: Adventures in Storm Observing.

Mar. 2002, Bloomington IL, State Farm Central Illinois Severe Weather Seminar: "Observed Storm Structures and Basic Meteorology of the 3 May 99 Tornado Outbreak," and "Using SPC Probability Outlooks in Storm Spotting."

Mar 2002, Lincoln IL, NWS Forecast Office: "Probabilistic SPC Outlooks."

Mar. 2002, Decatur IL, Central IL AMS Chapter: "Forecasting and Observing the 3 May 1999 Tornado Outbreak."

Feb. 2002, Denver CO, Colorado Storm Chaser Convention: "Images of Atmospheric Violence."

Dec. 2001, Ruskin FL, NWS Forecast Office: "Probabilistic SPC Outlooks."

Jul. 2001, Boulder CO, NWS Warning Decision Worskhop: "Probabilistic SPC Outlooks."

Apr. 2001, St. Charles MO, NWS Forecast Office: "Mesoscale Overview of the 3 May 1999 Tornado Outbreak " and "Probabilistic SPC Outlooks."

Apr. 2001, St. Louis MO, St. Louis University: "Mesoscale Analysis Workshop."

Mar. 1998, Wheaton IL, Northern Illinois Multi-County Skywarn Advanced Spotter Training: "SPC Forecasts and Storm Spotting"

Apr. 1997, Norman OK, Central OK AMS Chapter: "Storm Chasing on the Great Plains."

Mar. 1997, Garland TX, Texas Severe Storms Association: "SPC Forecast Products and Storm Spotters."

Mar. 1996, Wheaton IL, Northern Illinois Multi-County Skywarn Advanced Spotter Training: "Forecasting Supercell Storm Type" and "Spotting HP Supercells"

Feb. 1994, Kansas City MO, Kansas City AMS Chapter: "Storm Chasing on the Great Plains."

Nov. 1991, West Palm Beach FL, South Florida AMS Chapter: "Miami-based Tornado Chasers' 1991 Highlights."

Field Research Programs

May 2008: TWISTEX (Tactical Weather Instrumented Sampling in/near Tornadoes EXperiment): Mobile mesonet and tornado probe deployment

April 1994: VORTEX (Verification of the Origin of Rotation in Tornadoes EXperiment): Forecaster and nowcaster for field coordinators (FC).

March-June 1989: NSSL - NEXRAD IOT&E2 (Initial Operational Test and Evaluation, phase II): Storm intercept team leader, driver, photographer, videographer, event logs

March-June 1987: NSSL - DOPLIGHT-87 (DOPpler and LIGHTning program, 1987): Storm intercept driver, photographer, event logs, TOTO (Totable Tornado Observatory)

March-June 1986: NSSL - Spring Program: Storm intercept driver, photographer, event logs, TOTO (Totable Tornado Observatory)


    * Nearly four decades' experience in outdoor photography, specializing in storms, clouds, sunsets, landscapes, waterscapes, floods, wildfire effects, storm damage, and abandoned structures
    * 35-mm SLR film shooting, 1986-2006
    * Photographer for NSSL field-science projects, 1986-1989
    * Digital SLR shooting, 2006-present (Canon bodies and lenses)
    * Extended portfolio, all subjects: Image of the Week site in WordPress (web link), searchable by topic or keyword
    * Over 2,000 weather and water documentary images and stories: SkyPix, on the web since 1994, now in WordPress (web link), searchable by topic or keyword * Juried exhibitions: NWC Biennale (2015, 2017, 2019)
    * Published in or with: McGraw-Hill, Random House, Academic Press, American Meteorological Society Journals, NCEI Storm Data, Storm Prediction Center, NOAA/NWS Spotters' Guides, several Great Plains NWS offices, Frost Science Museum of Miami, Weather Guide Calendar
    * Image availability: rights-managed licensing, nonexclusive use

Copy and Technical Editing

    * Electronic Journal of Severe Storms Meteorology, 2006-present
    * Touchstone/Nancy Mathis (2005-2006)
    * As requested for scientific colleagues' papers, 1986-2024
    * Storm Prediction Center web pages (assorted), 1995-2024